The First Pencil
Kathi Kruse and Mike The Car Guy Correra are best friends, with many many years of retail experience in the car biz. "We decided to get together and talk about the things that are important to us in the auto industry, and hope you’ll come along for the ride. We’ll cover auto industry stuff, dealership profitability, and digital platforms, all with a dose of humor and our love for 80s/90s music. Join us!"
The First Pencil
Hey, Have You Heard About Video?
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Kathi and Mike are happy that more dealers are talking about the power of video, even if it’s nearly 15 years after we began urging dealers to welcome it.
Mike’s blog post: Sales Management by C.P.A.
“Modern music, emphasis on Mod. The Who kissed by Motown with a dash of the Clash.”
The Jam: Beat Surrender
The Style Council: Long Hot Summers documentary
Mystify: Michael Hutchence 2019 doc, RIP 11/22/97
Netflix: Tex Mex Motors
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Got a question? Email either of us!
Kathi: kathi@krusecontrolinc.com
Mike: mikethecarguy@outlook.com